Tennis Court reminder
Greetings, Windsor Mews community! With the warmer weather returning soon, we wanted to share the following reminders regarding our tennis courts:
The tennis court is for the use of homeowners and their guests only. Members of other communities are NOT allowed to use our tennis court and we do NOT have reciprocity of any kind.
If someone is waiting to play tennis, please vacate the court in 30 minutes so others get a chance to play (reduced from 60 minutes).
Please ensure that kids are not allowed to skateboard, or play games such as soccer (with cleats on their shoes) on the re-surfaced tennis court.
Pets are not allowed on the court at any time, regardless of their size.
Only a homeowner may obtain a key to the tennis court by paying a fully-refundable deposit of $25, by check only, made out to Windsor Mews HOA. If the original key is lost and a replacement key is required, the homeowner would need to wait at least one month and the replacement key deposit would then be $50. If the second key is lost or misplaced, the deposit for the third replacement key would then be $100 and the wait time would be three months after requesting the Board for a replacement.