Tennis Court reminder

Greetings, Windsor Mews community! With the warmer weather returning soon, we wanted to share the following reminders regarding our tennis courts:

The tennis court is for the use of homeowners and their guests only. Members of other communities are NOT allowed to use our tennis court and we do NOT have reciprocity of any kind.

If someone is waiting to play tennis, please vacate the court in 30 minutes so others get a chance to play (reduced from 60 minutes).

Please ensure that kids are not allowed to skateboard, or play games such as soccer (with cleats on their shoes) on the re-surfaced tennis court.

Pets are not allowed on the court at any time, regardless of their size.

Only a homeowner may obtain a key to the tennis court by paying a fully-refundable deposit of $25, by check only, made out to Windsor Mews HOA. If the original key is lost and a replacement key is required, the homeowner would need to wait at least one month and the replacement key deposit would then be $50. If the second key is lost or misplaced, the deposit for the third replacement key would then be $100 and the wait time would be three months after requesting the Board for a replacement.


New Arc Mod Standard – Solar Panels

Greetings, Windsor Mews community! In accordance with recent changes to Virginia law, the Board has adopted a new set of design standards for installations of solar panels. Under the previous standards, solar panels were entirely prohibited; however, they are now an option for homeowners, pursuant to the following:

WMHOA Solar Panel Architectural Modification Guidelines

1. HOA approval shall be required for all solar panels and complete details must be submitted to the HOA as part of an architectural modification application. The HOA reserves the right to reject proposed installation designs, consistent with Virginia law.

2. Solar panels may be installed on rooftops only. Ground or pole-mounted solar panels are prohibited. Panels must be black or match roof color.

3. Solar panels must be flush to the roof whenever possible, and installation only on the rear-facing roof is strongly recommended. Elevated or front-facing panels will only be considered by the HOA in the event that flush and/or rear-facing panels would substantially increase cost or reduce generation, as evidenced by sufficient documentation from an independent solar panel design specialist who is certified by the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners and licensed in Virginia. Panels must not break the roof ridge line or extend beyond any part of the roof.

4. All external hardware/piping/conduits must be in the rear of the home and must be safely distanced, to the greatest extent possible, from any and all common areas and neighboring property lines. Colors of the piping and conduit must match trim or siding color or the residence and be concealed wherever possible. Devices that are part of the installation (such as inverters) must be placed inside the dwelling whenever possible.

5. HOA approval of solar panels solely confirms compliance with Windsor Mews visual design standards. All owners remain fully responsible for compliance with any and all applicable local, state and federal laws, rules, regulations, or restrictions on installation and use of solar panels, including but not limited to building and electrical codes.

Feel free to email the Board ( with any questions or concerns.

New Trash & Recycling Service — Back to 2x week!

Greetings, Windsor Mews community! After receiving input from many of our residents, and several months of negotiation with multiple vendors, we have agreed to a new contract with Champion Services for trash and recycling. Effective April 1, 2023, our new service days will be as follows:

Trash: Tuesdays and Fridays
Recycling: Wednesdays


Greetings, Windsor Mews community. The HOA Board has received multiple complaints in recent weeks regarding dog owners failing to “pick up” after their dogs, including in common areas and in other owners’ yards. While many of us are dog owners and we want this community to remain friendly to our four-legged family members, we do need to ask for owners to please be respectful and follow HOA rules, as well as Fairfax County local ordinances, with respect to our pets. As a reminder:

1) We all share this community and we must treat each other with respect. Leaving pet waste is not only a nuisance, but also a potential health hazard to humans and other pets.

2) Dog owners must not allow your dog to relieve themselves in another owner’s yard. You can use your own yard or common areas (but see item 3 below).

3) If you are walking your dog, please be sure to carry bags at all times and pick up waste immediately after. There is also a bag dispenser and trash can available in the common area along Piney Branch.

4) Failing to follow these rules is a violation of HOA bylaws, and is unlawful under Fairfax County Code Sec. 6-61. Violations are subject to $250 fine.

Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in keeping our community beautiful and your neighbors’ property respected.

Feel free to email the Board ( with any questions or concerns.